
Documentation for the mass emailer.

View the Project on GitHub mishaturnbull/EmailGUI

EmailGUI Basics

EmailGUI is a user-friendly(ish) mass mail generator. Its job is to send a lot of emails to 1 address, to test spam filters or email servers. It is quite good at this.

Downloads & Releases

Right now, EmailGUI is in a pseudo-beta stage. I’m adding features and improving old code continously. As advertised in the file, we’re technically at 1.1.6 and 1.2 should be a good step up after which I’ll start using GitHub’s releases/branching properly. For now, just clone the master branch and you’ll get what you get.


For help, you can either browse around this GitHub Pages site (recommended) or use the included Help page, which is more accessible albiet a bit outdated. That can be found by clicking on the Help tab and then selecting Documentation.

The Send button is located under the Email menu in the top-left corner.

Click here for help with configuring your first mass mail.